Sottoscrivi il contratto “Luce 100% GREEN” per la tua casa



Referente dedicato per ogni necessità e nessun vincolo di durata contrattuale. Offerta riservata alla clientela domestica.
Il prezzo previsto sarà di 0,035 €/kWh più il prezzo all'ingrosso (PUN).


We provide 100% green, certified electricity from renewable sources.

Fattura digitale MY AGN

Discover the MY AGN digital bill

Pagamento SSD

Discover the benefits of SDD payment

0,035 €/kWh + (PUN)
Offer valid until 31/10/2024
0,035 €/kWh + (PUN)
Offer valid until 31/10/2024


In accordance with European Union requirements, for some years now in Italy, as in the rest of the countries on the continent, every domestic and non-domestic consumer has been able to freely decide from which supplier and under what conditions to purchase electricity and gas to meet the needs of their home.

Anyone exercising this right enters the so-called "free market", in which it is the customer who decides which supplier or type of contract to choose and when to change them by selecting an offer that they consider more interesting and cost-effective. This is a voluntary choice, with no obligation.

End customers who do not exercise this choice or who are prevented from doing so will be subject to economic and contractual conditions regulated by the Authority.

The actual switch to the new supply takes between one and two months: the new supply begins once the new supplier has taken all the necessary steps to manage the technical and commercial aspects of the switch. The intended date of the actual switch must be communicated by the new supplier when the contract is signed.

This is a change of supply from one customer to another with the same supplier, with which it is also possible to negotiate new contractual conditions, without interrupting the electricity and gas supply.

If there are any past delinquencies at the point of delivery (POD - Electricity Meter Number/PDR - Gas Meter Number), AGN ENERGIA may carry out further checks in order to protect its credit, including by consulting its own or public databases to identify any relations between the requesting customer and previous customers and to investigate the various changes at the supply point. Following these checks, AGN ENERGIA may also decide not to accept the supply request, informing the customer accordingly.

Under no circumstances will the customer be required to pay for past delinquencies relating to previous customers.
Payment of any bills referring to the previous supply customer will only be charged to the new customer in the following cases:

Transfer requested by an heir in the event of death of the previous customer;
Transfer requested in cases of separation from the previous customer;
Transfer requested in cases of company transformation/merger/incorporation

The transfer request must be submitted to the supplier that is already providing the service, in accordance with the supplier's instructions. By law, the customer requesting the transfer must prove, including by means of self-certification, that they have "a deed attesting to ownership or legal possession of the real estate unit".
Temporarily and throughout the operating period of SIMILE Protection as per Italian Resolution 369/2016/R/eel, in relation to a withdrawal point served in the extended protection service, an end customer entitled to the extended protection service may request to switch directly to a supplier in the free market that is admitted to SIMILE Protection.

  • The first and last name or the company name of the supply customer and their tax code or VAT number; SDI code
  • The telephone number and, if applicable, the email address of the supply customer.
  • Last bill received for utility verification (mandatory for commercial counterpart switching)
  • The POD (electricity meter number) is a code that identifies your meter. The POD consists of 14 numbers and can be found:
    • in a previous electricity bill;

The electricity meter reading is not necessary because it will be transmitted to AGN ENERGIA directly from the distributor via remote reading.

  • activation fee for the distributor: € 25.51 excluding VAT (tariff applied by e-distribuzione for the year 2022).
  • AGN ENERGIA administration costs of € 40 excluding VAT.

It is not possible to change the power/voltage of your meter during the transfer.
It is however possible to request a change of power/voltage at a later stage, after the transfer has been completed successfully.

A “mortis causa” transfer may be carried out following death of the customer when there is a first-degree relationship between the old and new customer (e.g. spouse, son/daughter, father/mother, brother/sister).
In the event of death of the contract holder, the transfer is free of charge to the heir or other person residing in the real estate unit of the utility; the operator assigns the security deposit paid by the previous customer to the new contract, and may require the new user to pay the balance of the last bill prior to the transfer
(Atto 655/2015/R/idr Annex A (RQSII) Article 16- Resolution of 23 December 2015 -ARERA)

The authority set the costs that the customer must pay to the distributor for the grid connection work:

  • distance fee: the distance between the supply to be connected and the nearest transformer substation. For distances less than 200 m and available power up to 3.3 kW, the cost is € 189.71 + VAT.
  • power fee: this is calculated on the basis of the available power indicated by the customer in the connection request. The cost is € 71.32 + VAT per kW of power made available;
  • fixed fee: to cover the administrative costs incurred by the distributor in making the connection, which is € 25.51 + VAT.
  • AGN ENERGIA administration costs: € 40 + VAT

If the customer has to carry out work at their own expense, they must remember to send the technical specifications received during the inspection to the distributor as specified in that document. Without this document, even if the customer has already paid the amount due, the distributor will not be able to proceed with the grid connection work.

The first visit by the distributor's technician is aimed at drawing up the quotation for the connection work, which will be sent by e-mail. The methods of confirming the quotation and the payment methods and times may vary depending on the distributor in question. In general, the quotation is valid for three months, after which the request is cancelled. In any case, the quotation contains the validity and the payment and confirmation methods.

The authority has determined the maximum times to be observed by energy suppliers and distributors when carrying out their activities, although the customer is also partially responsible. The quicker you are to send the necessary documentation and accept the quotation, the quicker the supply will be activated. After receiving the documentation, AGN ENERGIA will send the request for inspection to the distributor within 2 working days. According to the regulations, the distributor has 15 working days from receiving the request to carry out the inspection and send the quotation. To proceed, the customer must accept the quotation and make the payment as specified. In addition, after an inspection by the distributor’s technician, if the customer then has work to do, they must fill out a document called work completion sheet/technical specifications and send it to the distributor. On receiving the work completion sheet/technical specifications, the distributor will contact the customer to schedule the second technician's visit and, in accordance with regulations, carry out the connection and installation work within 10 working days (50 days in the case of complex work). Once it receives confirmation from the distributor that the meter has been installed, AGN ENERGIA will activate the supply.

When applying for take-over, it is possible to request the power variation by means of a special form to be attached to the take-over contract.

The following costs are incurred to reactivate the meter:

  • activation fee for the distributor: € 25.20 excluding VAT (tariff applied by e-distribuzione for the year 2021). For other distributors, the tariff may vary slightly;
  • AGN ENERGIA administrative costs of € 40 excluding VAT.

  • The first and last name or the company name of the supply customer and their tax code or VAT number; SDI code
  • The telephone number and, if applicable, the email address of the supply customer.
  • The POD (electricity meter number) is a code that identifies your meter. The POD consists of 14 numbers and can be found:
    • in an old electricity bill;
    • directly on the display of an electronic meter, by clicking the button.
    • If you cannot find the POD, you can provide AGN ENERGIA with the serial number you find on the face of the meter and send it for verification by e-mail to:

The case is forwarded to the distributor within 2 days of receiving the required documentation and, if eligible, processed by the distributor within the time limits set out in Italian Resolution 147:

  • 5 working days from our request to the distributor for electricity supplies
  • The activation request is only sent to the competent local distributor after receiving the correctly completed forms.

A take-over, unlike a transfer, is activation of the supply by a new customer following termination of the contract by the previous customer, who has also requested deactivation of the meter.

If there are any past delinquencies at the point of delivery (POD - Electricity Meter Number/PDR - Gas Meter Number), AGN ENERGIA may carry out further checks in order to protect its credit, including by consulting its own or public databases to identify any relations between the requesting customer and previous customers and to investigate the various changes at the supply point. Following these checks, AGN ENERGIA may also decide not to accept the supply request, informing the customer accordingly.
Under no circumstances will the customer be required to pay for past delinquencies relating to previous customers.

You will receive it by post at the address indicated when signing up for the offer.

Different payment methods:

  • direct debit to the SEPA current account (Sepa Core Direct Debit): if this is chosen when signing up, payment will be made automatically on the day the bill is due.
  • payment slip: attached to the bill, which can be paid using one of the following payment methods:
    • with a debit card
    • at post offices and bank counters.
    • via the online payment services of Poste Italiane ( or the Internet Banking services of the customer's bank, where the details of the post office payment slip attached to the bill can be entered.

Transaction costs will vary, depending on the chosen payment method; payment at the bank indicated on the bill is free of charge.

For an electricity supply contract, domestic customers will receive a bill every 2 months and business and/or apartment block customers will be billed monthly.
Important: the amount of the first bill will be calculated on the basis of the customer's consumption for the last year (which the distributor will inform us of when switching to AGN ENERGIA). No need to worry if it turns out to be too high or too low, the next one will be updated with the actual consumption. In any case, you can always request rectification, even for the first bill, by contacting us on our toll-free number. In order to ensure the bills are as close as possible to the actual consumption, we recommend taking at least one self-reading per month. If the gas and electricity meters are of the new generation, there will be no need to take a self-reading because we will automatically receive the actual consumption from the distributor.

What are AGN ENERGIA's economic conditions for electricity and how is the price made up?
For the electricity supply, the following items will be invoiced on the bill:

  • energy cost;
  • electricity transport and meter management cost;
  • system charges.

In addition to these fees, taxes are due.

To obtain a duplicate AGN ENERGIA bill, log in to the Customer Area and in your personal profile you will find all the bills related to your supply. Each bill can be downloaded to your device and consulted at any time.

In the customer area, customers can check their billing address and, if incorrect, send an e-mail to

however, customers can request activation of the dynamic bill and/or billing by e-mail, which is a free service at:

Should you lose your bill, you can access the Customer Area and retrieve the digital version. In addition, via the Customer Area you can:

  • View all bills issued;
  • Print a copy of the bill;
  • Pay the bill by credit card/credit transfer, only if it is not paid by SDD

Duplicate request: call the toll-free number 800808180 Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 18:00 and Saturday from 8:30 to 12.30, and following the Electricity and/or Natural Gas voice guide, or write to:

If you are not registered in the CUSTOMER AREA, you can do so by clicking here

For bills due after 01 March 2018 for electricity supplies and 1 January 2019 for gas supplies, in cases of billing delays of more than two years, customers can plead the statute of limitations and only pay the amounts billed in relation to consumption in the last two years.

As clarified by ARERA - Autorità di Regolazione per Energia Reti e Ambiente (Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment) - the statute of limitations request applies to all fees in the bill, and therefore to both the fixed parts (including the power fee) and the variable ones, and can be submitted by sending the form attached to the bill or downloadable from the Statute of limitations form.

When only the meter is involved, the distributor must increase the power within 5 working days of receiving the customer's request through the supplier (the time is the same as for the supply activation request).

If simple or complex work is required (i.e. the work is not limited to the meter), the customer will receive a quotation through their supplier. The distributor must make the quotation available within 15 working days of receiving the customer's request through the supplier.

When acting as an intermediary between the customer and the distributor to forward requests, communications and documents, the supplier must do so within a maximum of two working days.

The quotation specifies the time available to the distributor to perform the service:

  • 10 working days if the work is simple;
  • 50 working days if the work is complex.

If the power increase takes place beyond the expected time for reasons attributable to the distributor, domestic customers will receive automatic compensation of € 35 for variations made within twice the expected time, € 70 within three times the expected time and € 105 after three times the expected time. For non-domestic LV customers, the compensation amounts are € 70, € 140 and € 210, subject to change.

To vary the available power, the customer must submit a request to their supplier, which will act as an intermediary with the distributor regarding both formulation of the quotation and confirmation of the customer’s variation request, if they accept the quote.

If the change concerns a supply with a value of more than € 250 + VAT, the supplier informs the customer directly of the costs and the maximum time for performing the service (so-called quick quotation) at the time of the request. In such cases, the supplier by default sends the request within 2 working days to the distributor, who performs the service within the time limit.

If it is not possible to use the quick quotation, the supplier sends the request to the distributor within 2 working days; within the next 15 working days, the distributor formulates a quotation to the supplier, which sends it to the customer within 2 working days. If the customer accepts the quotation as specified therein, the distributor performs the service within the time specified in the quotation.
When acting as an intermediary between the customer and the distributor to send requests, communications and documents, the supplier must do so within a maximum of two working days.


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